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Join the Board


Applications open for 2024!

The Float Conference is possible thanks to a team of people from within the float community volunteering their time. A big part of that team is the Board of Directors.

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Being on the Float Conference Board of Directors is a great way to help the float industry at large. And let’s face it, it’s also a bunch of fun to help plan a huge party for the whole float world! The Board has a number of different responsibilities ranging from decisions about the administration and operations of the non-profit, to choosing who the conference speakers will be, to helping determine what city and venue the next event will take place in.


Each year, approximately half of the seats on the Board of Directors go up for election. If you’re interesting in applying to be on the Board, fill out the application below! New Board Members will be voted on by our current Board of Directors.


If you’re interested in learning more about how the organization operates, you can look at our Bylaws and our Operating Procedures.

The Details

We’re looking for people who are an active part of the float community and who are willing to commit at least 1 hr/week towards the Float Conference (although that time can be higher immediately before and after the event).

Business partners may apply as a team and can collectively share a single Board seat.

A Board term lasts two years, and you can be re-elected for three consecutive terms before being required to take a year off.

Board members will connect via regularly scheduled conference calls and join committees to help with brainstorming ideas and making decisions, like attendee experience, marketing, speakers, etc.

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