Join us at the Float Conference in person or online to showcase your product or service to the float industry!
You can see our 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities below. Please reach out to discuss the best option for you!
Complete the form below to get started!

Our Sponsors Say...
"Sponsoring the Float Conference was absolutely legendary. It provided the opportunity to connect with like minded individuals, make a handful of new friends, and gain exposure to some of the latest health modalities. Overall, FloatCon was an invaluable experience for myself and my business. Can’t wait to go back!
Joe Scola, Wise Ape Tea Co.
About the Conference
We are excited to present another hybrid Float Conference! We'll meet in person in Bellevue, Washington AND livestream parts of the event.
The Float Conference brings together experts on float tanks, float research, float center marketing, health regulations, and more. It is the single largest event for the float industry, drawing people from dozens of countries all across the world.
As a non-profit, the Float Conference runs entirely on the support people are able to give. Your sponsorship is a huge part of making this event possible, and your contribution goes directly towards helping the float industry grow and thrive.
Our Approach to Partnerships
Since 2020, we've had to rethink almost everything we do, and we learned a lot about how people like to engage in a virtual platform. Providing invaluable and beneficial sponsor opportunities remains at the top of our list of priorities with this year's hybrid event that will double your exposure.
We’ve limited most of the items so that each sponsor can have moments of undivided attention. We’ll work with each partner to make sure they are highlighted in the way that suits them best.
Who Will Be There
This year, we anticipate 200-250 attendees joining us from around the world, literally. The largest group of people in attendance will be owners and operators of float centers, in addition to a significant number of people who are in the process of opening a float center. The Float Conference also brings out many float tank manufacturers, float researchers, and even just float enthusiasts.
Float Center owners are all facing the same problem of not having enough products, services, and solutions to fulfill their needs. We’ve found the conference attendees to be extremely attentive, and even grateful to have companies actively taking an interest in catering to the float industry.
Sponsorship Details
We’re planning an awesome experience for everyone involved, including sponsors. We’ve put together this page to help show you what to expect from the virtual Float Conference.
Virtual sponsor listings will include a profile page, and an option for virtual attendees to connect with you for more information. There will be plenty of opportunities to connect with attendees in various ways. Check out the sponsorship levels below to see which one suits your needs. We can’t wait to see you in August!
Sponsorship Tiers
Spread the word far and wide that your company is here for the float industry. Our title sponsorship gives you the best visibility and the best perks. Only 2 companies will be able to catch this wave, so let's dive in!
3x Standard Booth space
Choose your booth spot first!
5 Conference tickets
+ Everything included in Theta
Choose 1 of each of the Theta and Delta add on perks.
Logo on conference name badges
only 2 available
The basic booth package, with a valuable twist! Get all the benefits of the Alpha Booth, plus recognition in our email marketing and social media posts!
8 ft table booth
1 Conference Ticket
Virtual Sponsor Listing
Attendee Email List
Logo on Website​
+ Email blast recognition
+ Social media recognition
10 available
Increase your visibility with more! More space in your booth with targeted times for your company to shine!
2x Booth space
5 Conference tickets
Virtual sponsor listing
Attendee Email List
Logo on website
Email blast recognition
Social media recognition
Plus! Add one of these notable perks:
Lunch sponsor
Saturday party sponsor
​Conference speaking spot
5 available
The basic booth package! Hosting a booth at the Float Conference is an incredible way to gain visibility among float center owners from around the world and make person connections!
8 ft table booth
1 Conference Ticket
Virtual Sponsor Listing
Attendee Email List
Logo on Website​
20 available
Gain visibility and add a fun sponsorship to catch the eye of those wily float center owners.
8ft table Booth
2 Conference tickets
Virtual sponsor listing
Logo on website
Attendee Email List
Email blast recognition
Social media recognition
Plus! Add one of these fun perks:
Coffee sponsor (3 available)
Bus tour sponsor
Wellness Lounge sponsor
Be interviewed on our FB Live
Add an extra booth space
8 available
Create Your Own!
If one of the these options doesn't work for your needs, or if you're a non-profit organization, please contact us at info@floatconference.com or complete the form below, and we'll see if a custom package is the best fit.
Contact us for a custom package
info@floatconference.com or fill out the form below